
Judge Space Celeb
Member since:August, 2011
In realtionship with:Moj1
Bestfriends:Best Friends: Candired, Heysup66 & groovychick24

Princess770 is a regular user on MovieStarPlanet(UK). She is a level 52 (Great Movie Star). She is currently 9th on the UK severs highscore board.
Princess's only back-up accounts are pricess770, ! Angel7 ! , and  - Aasia -


Princess is usually seen in various colors but she tends to keep her outfits very girly. She mainly uses soft colors but you can occasionally see her in darker or neon colors.


Like most moviestars, Princess used to make short movies, though she has stopped for many reasons, one being the 10 gifts per day limit. Princess has had a variety of long movie series such as "Camping Killer" witch is unfinished and her most popular series "Killer Gf".


When she first made her account she thought she was signing up for the US sever,  though it turned out she actually signed up for the UK sever. This makes her one of the few american players on the UK sever. Even with the issues it may present, she doesn't regret joing the UK sever due to how competitive the US sever is.


  • She has a blog which can be seen here.
  • She also has a youtube channel which can be seen here.
  • YASMIN720 is her cousin. Her cousin also edits on the wiki under the username Yasmin770
  • She uses IMVU
  • She has a Yourki puppy in real life.
  • It is said she has an U.s account. 

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